Uncle Jack Needs YOU!
January 29, 2024

By Jim Ball – Executive Director, Verum Vitae 365, Inc.
Do you remember this photo?
Jack Kanzenbach’s picture from the Oneida Street sidewalk is one which has inspired 40 DFL leaders around the world, and it’s one of our favorite depictions of the devotion of the Green Bay prayer warriors. This photo speaks so powerfully to the need to stand up for the dignity of every single human being, from the womb to the tomb. And it speaks equally as powerfully to the role men have in serving, protecting, and defending the family.
We’ll be using pictures of Jack, of Joe Rose, and of Dick Eckert (L: On the 40DFL Home Page!) to convince those who are NOT “out there” to please “GET out there!” And for our committed sidewalk prayer warriors, we ask that you commit to bring at least one new person (One More Soul) “out there” this vigil. We are working to get as many “boots on the ground year-round” as we can, so that no one will be able to ignore this colossal injustice.
Contact us HERE and we shall find a place for your family and friends. Ask them the question — Be not afraid! Invite those you know and love to change their lives in a way they could not imagine.
If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31)