3,000 Babies Saved…Well done, Good and Faithful Servant
February 19, 2024

By Jim Ball, Executive Director, Verum Vitae 365, inc.
How would YOU like to be able to stand in front of God on your judgement day and say, “Lord, I was able to help save over 3,000 of your little ones from abortion”?
Well that’s what John Boros can say!
John, who passed away last week, has been a giant in the sidewalk counseling world for over 20 years. God has saved over 3,000 babies through John and his Orlando, FL team. Even though John battled cancer for years, it only recently kept him from being “out there”. He tells a story of a miraculously memorable save, HERE.
If you’ll remember, last summer Kathy Cain and I were privileged to have spent several hours with John and his team, as we awaited the opening of the 40 Days for Life Leaders Symposium. We were joined on the burning hot sidewalk that day by Dan Miller, September Schubilske, and Mark Condon from Milwaukee; a team thru which God has saved several thousand lives over the years in our own home state — and on that day THREE BABIES WERE SAVED!
We’re in this together, folks. Men and women around the world are fighting for the lives of those babies and moms. And I’m praying that we have another intercessor in heaven, now that John Boros’ earthly work with us is done.
Well done, good and faithful servant. May your soul rest in peace.