Green Bay 40 Days For Life Vigil Inspires the World!
February 19, 2024

By Jim Ball, Executive Director, Verum Vitae 365, inc.
Gail Bartz, who often joins us on the sidewalk, was on vacation in Florida last week, so she decided to attend the 40 Days For Life opening ceremony in Sarasota.
Imagine her surprise when Rich Owens, the 2023 40 Days For Life Leader of the Year, mentioned our Green Bay vigil!
Here’s what Gail reports:
“Jim, I attended the 40 Day for Life kickoff in Sarasota, FL, and their leader, Rich Owens, mentioned you and your 40 DFL group. (Walking in the cold-had a slide). In talking to him after, he said he especially likes your video of the men walking through the night and their comments.”
This 40 Days For Life vigil in Green Bay is important!
Our walking and praying in the cold, the snow, and the darkness isn’t just for our good; though there’s plenty of that to go around.
Our longevity and our devotion to get on the sidewalk no matter what motivates new leaders — and veterans like Rich — from all over the world. They’ve seen the men, at night, walking in a blizzard and they’re inspired.
This is how God works. The good we do cannot be calculated by an accountant, but God knows. Oh yes indeed, God knows. So let’s keep walkin’ and prayin’ and inspirin’!