What’s the Buz? Tell us What’s Been Happening!
February 19, 2024

By Jim Ball, Executive Director, Verum Vitae 365, inc.
Now that our New Website and Refurbished Facebook Page are up and running, we’re hoping you will want to help us out by sending in news, updates, photos, etc., that we can share.
How to Submit News & Photos
In order to avoid having to gather signed releases, it will work best if submissions are handled as follows:
1. Submit news and photos by email to [email protected]
2. In the subject line of your email, simply enter “News” and/or “Photos“
3. In the BODY of your email, please include this wording: “I give my permission to Verum Vitae 365, Inc. to use the news, original photos, and all other material submitted by me in any way, including but not limited to print, publication, website, and social media.” Please indicate either “ok to use my name” or “don’t use my name.”
4. Minors may be shown in photos without further release as long as the photo is obviously taken during a public, outdoor activity. If the activity is indoors, such photos will require a signed release from the parents of any/all children appearing in the photos; an exception to this would be photos taken during a Mass or other Religious Service.
5. Please be aware that while we enthusiastically welcome all submitted items, we cannot promise to use everything, nor to use items immediately as we receive them. Some may be filed for future use. Be sure to keep copies for yourself, as we cannot return items once submitted.
6. In the online world, “a picture makes the post.” Please keep this in mind. People like to see people, before they read text. So, whenever possible, take a photo and submit it along with your news. Photos should always be the work of the person who submits them.
If you have questions about submitting items, please reach out to us at [email protected].