40 Days For Life Green Bay Fall Vigil is Underway!
September 25, 2024

(GREEN BAY, WI – 25 SEP 2024) – Our Fall 40 Days For Life Vigil began today — as it always does — at 12:01am on the first Wednesday of the campaign. This year’s vigil is #35 for us, and since we began we’ve been “out there” for 33,600 hours in Green Bay praying, fasting, and witnessing for an end to this unthinkable holocaust.
Many of those hours — actually most of those hours (especially at night) — are spent in quiet prayer. We get a few shouts from cars during the day, of course, but very few conversations. We know, however, that God is with us every step of the way.
19 years, 33,600 hours — How many lives saved? How many hearts changed? We’ll have to wait for THAT total!
In the meantime, as Jim Ball says, “We’ll keep walkin’…and prayin’…and trustin’ that God is with us for another hour on the sidewalk.”
Looking forward to seeing you “out there!”