40 Days For Life – Green Bay: Recap of Kick-Off & Week 1
September 30, 2024

[Feature Photo Credit: Michael Lee, Editex Business Services LLC]
A lot of work went into the dual Opening Ceremonies last weekend. Our guest speaker, Ramona Treviño, shared her story with a Spanish-speaking audience on Friday evening, and returned to share with us again in English on Saturday morning. The event was hosted at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church on Green Bay’s east side.
Volunteers from St. Norbert College Knights For Life & Notre Dame Academy Lifeguards Help With Fall Kickoff
Pro-life students from St. Norbert’s and Notre Dame Academy gave up their Friday evening — and their “sleep-in Saturday” –to help Sr. Jhoana and Kathy Cain with set-up and take-down, and with looking after the kids of the nearly 200 adults who attended Ramona’s talk Friday evening, as well as coming back to help again for the English-speaking version of the event on Saturday morning! Check out this social media post from SNC’s Knights For Life:
These young men and women sacrificed for something greater than themselves, and we couldn’t have done it without them. Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for their faith and their courage, and pray that their classmates will see their joy and their peace, and will want to jump into the next pro-life event along with them!
40 Days Green Bay Vigil Featured in National Blog
Check out what the 40 Days for Life national team wrote in their daily vigil blog about our kickoff events:
After nearly two decades of 40 Days for Life vigils, the Green Bay, Wisconsin, 40 Days for Life team has spent 33,600 hours on the sidewalk praying for an end to abortion…and they’re still growing.
They used a visit from 40 Days for Life outreach director and former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino to host a rally for the local Latino community.
“The turnout was better than I could have imagined,” Jim Ball said as HUNDREDS of Spanish-speaking Christians attended.
The event exposed Planned Parenthood’s eugenics agenda to one of its most targeted demographics. “Most attendees had no previous knowledge of Planned Parenthood, its history, its presence in Latin America, or its targeting of the Hispanic community in the United States,” Ramona noted. “Many expressed no previous exposure to abortion or even to the term “pro-life” because abortion is simply a non-issue where they’re from.”
They know now.
“One thing is for sure,” Ramona said. “Important seeds were planted. These events were worth every effort the Green Bay team put into planning and putting them together.”
Many thanks again to everyone who helped — in any (and many) ways to make the kickoff event / Opening Ceremonies successful!
Sidewalk Stories: Yoopers 4 Life
How in the world can the darkness overcome us when the moms and babies have friends like the Yoopers 4 Life? This group, headed up for years by the late Deacon Vince Beckley, is now under the leadership of his wife, Christine.
Christine is the epitome of a humble servant. So humble in fact that she doesn’t even show up in the above picture! If you look closely at the bottom left you’ll see her shadow and a part of her walker.
Our Yoopers added to a great first vigil week, with many folks jumping in to grab open hours. As of today, these are the open DAY shifts for This Week (9/29-10/6):
Friday 9am-10am (10/4)
Saturday Noon- 1 pm (10/5)
Sunday 10am-11am (10/6)
Sunday 11am-12 Noon (10/6)
Call Christine Whipp at 920-445-6371, or email her to put YOUR “boots on the ground.”
“Sleep No More”
Our “Sleep No More” men are doing a bang-up job once again of manning the night shifts (6pm-8am daily), but we can always use a few subs to help.
Here are our current needs:
Sunday: Oct. 13th & Nov. 3rd: 2am-4am
Monday: Oct. 14th: 12:01am-2am
Tuesday: Oct. 22nd & 29th: 6pm-8pm
Friday: Oct. 25th & Nov. 1st: 4am-6am
Saturday Nov. 2nd: 6pm-7pm
To volunteer for the above, please call Jim Ball at 920-676-3489, or email him.