Are You Pro-Life? Then Please VOTE SMART!
October 14, 2024

By Jim Ball, Executive Director – Verum Vitae 365, Inc.
I’ve been stunned — on several occasions — when long-time 40 Days prayer warriors have shared that they vote for pro-abortion candidates. Some have even told me this ON THE SIDEWALK!
It makes me crazy!
To the Undecided (you know who you are), Pay Close Attention:
When killing is seen as a solution to a problem, no one is safe — no one — no one at all.
Man’s inhumanity toward his fellow man will never, ever be resolved as long as we make exceptions for destroying the most precious human relationship that exists – the bond between mother and child.
The economy, the border, and the woke/transgender insanity will continue to exist as political footballs until we all agree that killing innocent human beings can NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be seen as a solution; NEVER — as in NOT EVER!
That, my friends, is the answer to any and every discussion about abortion. And it is not one of many issues. It is THE ISSUE; Period.
In His Service,