Game Day Witness: ProLife Double Whammy!
October 28, 2024

Article and photo submitted by Jim Ball, Executive Director – Verum Vitae 365, Inc.
Did you ever hear the old song “Both Sides Now”? Well, here’s the ProLife version…in action!
While the 40 Days for Life Closing Ceremony is going on at the vigil site on South Onieda, catching the attention of those heading to the stadium from the south, Kate Fix (L) and Renee Ellis (R), long-time supporters of 40 Days for Life, and Ann Thayer, will be sharing the prolife message with game-goers arriving from the north!
“Some of us,” Ann said, “will be on the corner of Military and Lombardi from noon to 2:30pm-ish before the Packers vs. Lion game on November 3rd. “
Between this group we call The Passovers (because they can occasionally be seen on highway overpasses), and our Closing Ceremony, plenty of folks will get the message on November 3rd!
“We need 2 people per banner,” Ann explains, “and we park at Highland Crest Baptist Church back by the dumpsters. If questioned by security, we can let them know Ginger, the church secretary, gave us permission.”
We’re hoping that Kate, Renee, Ann, and their crew will join us for coffee and cocoa at Panera!